2008년 6월 5일 목요일

PLM 2.0

PLM 2.0은 웹 2.0의 사상을 가진 PLM솔루션일 것이다. 사실 웹 2.0은 기술적인 용어라기 보다는 마케팅적인 용어라고 한다. 그러나 사회적인 반향은 크다고 할 수 있다.
그러한 여기서 무엇이 웹 2.0이고 이것은 어떻게 PLM에 적용하는야에 달려 있다.

PLM 2.0
In 2008, following the revolution around Web 2.0, one of the key commercial players in PLM introduced the notion of PLM 2.0, which encompasses a social community approach to PLM.
PLM 2.0 is about reuse of Web 2.0 like terminology and concept in the domain of PLM. More than a technology, it is a philosophy where:
PLM applications are web-based (Software as a Service)
PLM applications focus on online collaboration, collective intelligence and online communities
PLM expands to new usages like crowdsourcing and real world web, extending the reach PLM outside the enterprise
PLM business processes can easily be activated, configured and used, with online access
Currently, PLM 2.0 is still more an idea and a concept than a reality. But more and more PLM offering will embrace the concepts that has been listed here.

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